Representative Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) proposed a new amendment to cease cannabis testing for military personnel. This amendment would alter the National Defense Authorization Act and allow both enlistees and commissioned personnel to test positive for cannabis without repercussion.
This issue with cannabis has been rising over the last few years due to significant increases in recruits who are testing positive for cannabis. This is especially the case in states where cannabis is legal. According to Politico and the New York Times, 33% more applicants tested positive for cannabis in 2022 than in 2020. Allowing military personnel to consume cannabis would greatly open the door for more applicants especially in times where recruitment numbers are staggeringly low.
This problem isn’t only in the military either, in the past many federal agencies have come out saying they are having problems acquiring personnel. This includes the FBI, CIA, and other more local government programs. Many younger people are choosing to consume cannabis where it is legal, consequently opting them out of any government position. There are also other examples of cannabis restricting people from getting other jobs. Examples include the trucking industry the United States rely so heavily on. Truckers consume cannabis in states where it is legal, drive to other states, test positive for cannabis, then lose their license. This has turned the trucking market into a place where truckers are extremely valuable due to insufficient labor.
This amendment presented by Gaetz would also allow VA doctors to give medical opinions on cannabis. This includes cannabis as a treatment option in states where medical marijuana is legal. This amendment was co-signed by other members of the Congressional Cannabis Caucus Brian Mast, Barbara Lee, Earl Blumenauer, and Dave Joyce.
One final amendment would also allow military members to consume CBD products that are legal under federal law. This amendment was proposed by Rep. Tony Gonzales.
Read the whole article from Politico Here.