We finally have some sort of update for Germany’s new cannabis legalization bill. According to multiple different sources, Germany will release the bill shortly after Easter. The details on the other hand, are still up in the air. This means that everything included within the bill regarding ages, legalized amounts, and other things are still yet to be determined. This information comes from top health officials from the European country.
German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach said on Wednesday that the plan for national legalization is coming soon, “firmly assuming that we will present the new proposal immediately after Easter.” Lauterbach also said that legalization is planned for Germany and that government officials are working hard for this to happen.
“We need Germany-wide legalization because the black market can only be pushed back if quality-assured cannabis for recreational use can be traded in certified shops throughout Germany,” Kristine Lütke of the FDP told Zeit Online. “If you can only legally buy quality-assured cannabis in a few cities, the black market will survive.”
Even though we do not have all the details about Germany’s new legalization plan many experts have their guesses. There will most likely be a special consumption tax for all those of age looking to partake in recreational cannabis. Along with this the age in an earlier rendition of the bill was for those 18 and older to be able to purchase up to 30 grams of cannabis.
Germany took the first step towards legalization last summer putting into place steps to get the drug legal very soon.
Read the whole article here.