I like to run. There’s a certain point where a groove starts to reveal itself, and your body feels like it’s moving on its own. It’s super liberating, and it goes by the name of a “runner’s high”. And I’ve only done it a few times, but hitting that moment while also high off of THC is an entirely new level of peace.
A study at the University of Colorado Boulder talked to 49 runners and asked them about smoking before a run, and according them, they experienced “less negative affect, greater feelings of positive affect, tranquility, enjoyment, and dissociation, and more runner’s high symptoms during their cannabis (vs. non-cannabis) runs.”
An important distinction is that it doesn’t necessarily improve performance (someone tell that to the Olympics), and they ran an average of 31 seconds slower per mile.
“Results suggest that acute cannabis use may be associated with a more positive exercise experience among regular cannabis users,” says the survey.
This survey gets added to a longer list of studies that show smoking marijuana isn’t always the couch-sucking experience that its tropes suggest.
Read the original story at Marijuana Moment.