Colorado has once again launched another Marijuana themed license plate auction to support disable communities. Last Friday, officials announced another round of auctions for marijuana-themed license plates to raise money for disabled Communities.
The bids are on 22 different license plates with cannabis terms stamped on them. Some of the stamped license plate terms include “420”, “WEED”, “HASH”, “THC”, “CBD”, and others. Last year, the state generated more than $45,000 from cannabis themed license plate auctions for the Colorado Disability Funding Committee. Lt. Gov Dianne Primavera (D) says this initiative is a “fantastic opportunity to provide grant funding to not-for-profit and for-profit organizations that serve people with disabilities.”
For over a decade, Colorado has been a leader in the cannabis space, bringing bold, and creative businesses to the state. This effort allows us to celebrate Colorado’s mile-high reputation and fund critical programs in our disability community.https://t.co/rBL3wGEaAV pic.twitter.com/xN9doq4GBj
— Governor Jared Polis (@GovofCO) April 2, 2022
Last year the highest bid license plate was the “TEGRIDY” plate, which is a reference to a marijuana farm in the show South Park. Along with the announcement for this auction, the governor’s office emphasized that mixing cannabis and driving is never a good idea. “Cannabis impairs critical abilities needed to drive safely, which can result in a crash,” it says. “A DUI can cost more than $13,500 and include jail time, loss of license and more.”
If you are outside of Colorado but still want one of these plates you are still allowed to bid in the auction. The only difference is you will be sent a novelty plate to hang up anywhere you like.