After almost a year of dancing around the issue, Germany is going to move forward with marijuana legalization “in the next few weeks,” according to Health Minister Karl Lauterbach.
This all comes after they received the go-ahead from the EU. Germany wanted to make sure they wouldn’t be in violation of their international obligations if they legalized marijuana, and now they got confirmation that they would be able to make the move.
Lauterbach implied that some changes needed to be made to their framework, but overall they were ready to move forward.
While the EU has allowed for legal marijuana, the UN is another story. They have made clear that nations cannot go further than medical marijuana or decriminalization, based on a 1961 treaty. In fact, they believe that the US is in violation of this treaty for not cracking down on states that have legalized themselves. So it seems like nobody’s really taking the UN treaty seriously.
With the backing of the EU, one wonders if any more countries in the region will follow after Germany makes the first move.
Read the full story at Marijuana Moment.
Es geht voran! 🥦 Der Gesundheitsminister will in den kommenden Wochen einen ersten Gesetzentwurf zur #Legalisierung von #Cannabis vorlegen. @Karl_Lauterbach habe “sehr gute Rückmeldungen” aus Brüssel bekommen.✨ pic.twitter.com/OzluAV0fDw
— Kristine Lütke MdB (@kristine_lutke) March 14, 2023