A cannabis company in Vermont was fined $20,000 for delivering marijuana to an unlicensed marijuana store in New York. The reason they got caught was because they posted the video to Instagram.
The Vermont Cannabis Control Board fined Devon Deyhle, the owner of Tier 1 indoor cultivation company Tall Truck for delivering the cannabis across state lines to an unlicensed store. Both the delivery and lack of licensing was illegal. Deyhle told a reporter VTDigger about the incident, “It was pretty much a publicity stunt about me potentially opening the market in New York City for Tall Truck… I guess I pushed the limits a little bit.”
Deyhle delivered the cannabis to a store in downtown Manhattan. The video now deleted showed the transfer of goods before any licensed stores opened in the city. Deyhle told the reporters that the video was not worth it.
Just earlier this year cannabis licenses and shops became open to the public in New York City. Prior to this year many of these shops were working through illegal loopholes to sell unregulated cannabis to the public. With the implementation of the new cannabis system in the state, many shops have been opening over the last few months.
Read the whole article here.